By “class”, we mean a type that was defined using the class or struct keyword (but not enum struct or enum class).

class Empty_1 {};                               // sizeof(Empty_1)       == 1
class Empty_2 {};                               // sizeof(Empty_2)       == 1
class Derived : Empty_1 {};                     // sizeof(Derived)       == 1
class DoubleDerived : Empty_1, Empty_2 {};      // sizeof(DoubleDerived) == 1
class Holder { Empty_1 e; };                    // sizeof(Holder)        == 1
class DoubleHolder { Empty_1 e1; Empty_2 e2; }; // sizeof(DoubleHolder)  == 2
class DerivedHolder : Empty_1 { Empty_1 e; };   // sizeof(DerivedHolder) == 2
struct S {
    int x;
    char* y;

there is a consecutive sequence of sizeof(int) bytes within an S object, called a subobject, that contain the value of x, and another subobject with sizeof(char*) bytes that contains the value of y. The two cannot be interleaved.

struct AnInt      { int i; };
  // sizeof(AnInt)        == sizeof(int)
  // Assuming a typical 32- or 64-bit system, sizeof(AnInt)        == 4 (4).
struct TwoInts    { int i, j; };
  // sizeof(TwoInts)      >= 2 * sizeof(int)
  // Assuming a typical 32- or 64-bit system, sizeof(TwoInts)      == 8 (4 + 4).
struct IntAndChar { int i; char c; };
  // sizeof(IntAndChar)   >= sizeof(int) + sizeof(char)
  // Assuming a typical 32- or 64-bit system, sizeof(IntAndChar)   == 8 (4 + 1 + padding).
struct AnIntDerived : AnInt { long long l; };
  // sizeof(AnIntDerived) >= sizeof(AnInt) + sizeof(long long)
  // Assuming a typical 32- or 64-bit system, sizeof(AnIntDerived) == 16 (4 + padding + 8).

Due to classes typically sharing the alignof of their member with the largest alignof, classes will typically be aligned to the alignof of the largest built-in type they directly or indirectly contain.

// Assume sizeof(short) == 2, sizeof(int) == 4, and sizeof(long long) == 8.
// Assume 4-byte alignment is specified to the compiler.
struct Char { char c; };
  // sizeof(Char)                == 1 (sizeof(char))
struct Int  { int i; };
  // sizeof(Int)                 == 4 (sizeof(int))
struct CharInt { char c; int i; };
  // sizeof(CharInt)             == 8 (1 (char) + 3 (padding) + 4 (int))
struct ShortIntCharInt { short s; int i; char c; int j; };
  // sizeof(ShortIntCharInt)     == 16 (2 (short) + 2 (padding) + 4 (int) + 1 (char) +
  //                                    3 (padding) + 4 (int))
struct ShortIntCharCharInt { short s; int i; char c; char d; int j; };
  // sizeof(ShortIntCharCharInt) == 16 (2 (short) + 2 (padding) + 4 (int) + 1 (char) +
  //                                    1 (char) + 2 (padding) + 4 (int))
struct ShortCharShortInt { short s; char c; short t; int i; };
  // sizeof(ShortCharShortInt)   == 12 (2 (short) + 1 (char) + 1 (padding) + 2 (short) +
  //                                    2 (padding) + 4 (int))
struct IntLLInt { int i; long long l; int j; };
  // sizeof(IntLLInt)            == 16 (4 (int) + 8 (long long) + 4 (int))
  // If packing isn't explicitly specified, most compilers will pack this as
  //   8-byte alignment, such that:
  // sizeof(IntLLInt)            == 24 (4 (int) + 4 (padding) + 8 (long long) +
  //                                    4 (int) + 4 (padding))

// Assume sizeof(bool) == 1, sizeof(ShortIntCharInt) == 16, and sizeof(IntLLInt) == 24.
// Assume default alignment: alignof(ShortIntCharInt) == 4, alignof(IntLLInt) == 8.
struct ShortChar3ArrShortInt {
    short s;
    char c3[3];
    short t;
    int i;
  // ShortChar3ArrShortInt has 4-byte alignment: alignof(int) >= alignof(char) &&
  //                                             alignof(int) >= alignof(short)
  // sizeof(ShortChar3ArrShortInt) == 12 (2 (short) + 3 (char[3]) + 1 (padding) +
  //                                      2 (short) + 4 (int))
  // Note that t is placed at alignment of 2, not 4.  alignof(short) == 2.

struct Large_1 {
    ShortIntCharInt sici;
    bool b;
    ShortIntCharInt tjdj;
  // Large_1 has 4-byte alignment.
    // alignof(ShortIntCharInt) == alignof(int) == 4
    // alignof(b) == 1
    // Therefore, alignof(Large_1) == 4.
  // sizeof(Large_1) == 36 (16 (ShortIntCharInt) + 1 (bool) + 3 (padding) +
  //                        16 (ShortIntCharInt))
struct Large_2 {
    IntLLInt illi;
    float f;
    IntLLInt jmmj;
  // Large_2 has 8-byte alignment.
    // alignof(IntLLInt) == alignof(long long) == 8
    // alignof(float) == 4
    // Therefore, alignof(Large_2) == 8.
  // sizeof(Large_2) == 56 (24 (IntLLInt) + 4 (float) + 4 (padding) + 24 (IntLLInt))
// This type shall always be aligned to a multiple of 4.  Padding shall be inserted as
// needed.
// Chars<1>..Chars<4> are 4 bytes, Chars<5>..Chars<8> are 8 bytes, etc.
template<size_t SZ>
struct alignas(4) Chars { char arr[SZ]; };

static_assert(sizeof(Chars<1>) == sizeof(Chars<4>), "Alignment is strict.\\n");