Global variables have a global scope and hence, can be used everywhere. Their scope is not dependent on where they are defined. A variable will be considered global, when prefixed with a $ sign.

$i_am_global = "omg"

class Dinosaur
    def instance_method
       p "global vars can be used everywhere. See? #{$i_am_global}, #{$another_global_var}" 

    def self.class_method
       $another_global_var = "srsly?"
       p "global vars can be used everywhere. See? #{$i_am_global}"

# "global vars can be used everywhere. See? omg"
# => "global vars can be used everywhere. See? omg"

dinosaur =
# "global vars can be used everywhere. See? omg, srsly?"
# => "global vars can be used everywhere. See? omg, srsly?"

Since a global variable can be defined everywhere and will be visible everywhere, calling an “undefined” global variable will return nil instead of raising an error.

p $undefined_var
# nil
# => nil

Although global variables are easy to use its usage is strongly discouraged in favour of constants.