Underground Kingdom

By Edward Packard

<aside> ⚠️ Warning! Do not read this book straight through from beginning to end!

These pages contain many different adventures you can have as you try to reach the Underground Kingdom. From time to time as you read along, you will be asked to make a choice. Your choice may lead to success or to disaster!

The adventures you have will be the result of the decisions you make. After you make your choice, follow the instructions to see what happens to you next.


<aside> ⚠️ Special Warning! The Underground Kingdom is not easy to reach. Many readers never get there. Others never return.

Before starting out on your journey, you may want to read Professor Bruckner's Theory.

Professor Bruckner is a rather boring writer, and I wouldn't suggest that you bother to read his theory, except that, if you ever get to the Under- ground Kingdom, it might save your life.

Good luck!


Begin your adventure
