Path Syntax only

Overview of the basic path drawing commands lines and curves

lineTo (a path command)

arc (a path command)

quadraticCurveTo (a path command)

bezierCurveTo (a path command)

arcTo (a path command)

rect (a path command)

closePath (a path command)

beginPath (a path command)

lineCap (a path styling attribute)

lineJoin (a path styling attribute)

strokeStyle (a path styling attribute)

fillStyle (a path styling attribute)

lineWidth (a path styling attribute)

shadowColor, shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY (path styling attributes)

createLinearGradient (creates a path styling object)

createRadialGradient (creates a path styling object)

createPattern (creates a path styling object)

stroke (a path command)