Ikon for forbindelse



Turn Notion data into embeddable charts.

ChartBrick enables you to transform your databases into insightful charts that you can seamlessly embed in Notion pages or anywhere.

Designed with simplicity in mind, it is especially suitable for those who prefer a no-code approach.

How to use

It's very easy to use. On the homepage, there's a video that demonstrates how quick and easy it is.

1. Sign up for the app, it only takes a few seconds.
2. Select Notion as your data source.
3. Click "Connect to Notion" and choose the pages containing the databases you want to use.
4. Select the database.
5. You're now ready to customize the chart using the sidebar on the right.

    Alle tredjepartsvaremærker (herunder logoer og ikoner), der henvises til heri, tilhører de respektive ejere. Medmindre det specifikt er angivet som Lavet af Notion, understøttes eller vedligeholdes integrationer ikke af Notion. De tredjepartsprodukter eller -tjenester, som integrationer skaber forbindelse til, er applikationer, der ikke er fra Notion (som defineret i Notions hovedabonnementsaftale eller vilkår for personlig brug, alt efter hvad der er relevant). Ved at aktivere en integration eller på anden måde bruge Notion-integrationsgalleriet accepterer du Notions vilkår for integrationsgalleriet.