Create Subtree

Add a new remote called plugin pointing to the plugin’s repository:

git remote add plugin <>

Then Create a subtree specifying the new folder prefix plugins/demo. plugin is the remote name, and master refers to the master branch on the subtree’s repository:

git subtree add --prefix=plugins/demo plugin master

Pull Subtree Updates

Pull normal commits made in plugin:

git subtree pull --prefix=plugins/demo plugin master

Backport Subtree Updates

  1. Specify commits made in superproject to be backported:
git commit -am "new changes to be backported"
  1. Checkout new branch for merging, set to track subtree repository:
git checkout -b backport plugin/master
  1. Cherry-pick backports:
git cherry-pick -x --strategy=subtree master
  1. Push changes back to plugin source:
git push plugin backport:master