An object in PHP contains variables and functions. Objects typically belong to a class, which defines the variables and functions that all objects of this class will contain.

The syntax to define a class is:

class Shape {
    public $sides = 0;
    public function description() {
        return "A shape with $this->sides sides.";

Once a class is defined, you can create an instance using:

$myShape = new Shape();

Variables and functions on the object are accessed like this:

$myShape = new Shape();
$myShape->sides = 6;

print $myShape->description(); // "A shape with 6 sides"


Classes can define a special __construct() method, which is executed as part of object creation. This is often used to specify the initial values of an object:

class Shape {
    public $sides = 0;
    public function __construct($sides) {
        $this->sides = $sides;
    public function description() {
        return "A shape with $this->sides sides.";

$myShape = new Shape(6);

print $myShape->description(); // A shape with 6 sides

Extending Another Class

Class definitions can extend existing class definitions, adding new variables and functions as well as modifying those defined in the parent class.

Here is a class that extends the previous example:

class Square extends Shape {
    public $sideLength = 0;
    public function __construct($sideLength) {
       $this->sideLength = $sideLength;
    public function perimeter() {
        return $this->sides * $this->sideLength;

    public function area() {
        return $this->sideLength * $this->sideLength;

The Square class contains variables and behavior for both the Shape class and the Square class:

$mySquare = new Square(10);

print $mySquare->description()/ // A shape with 4 sides

print $mySquare->perimeter() // 40

print $mySquare->area() // 100