Given a class SomeClass, let’s see how the TypeScript is transpiled into JavaScript.

TypeScript source

class SomeClass {

    public static SomeStaticValue: string = "hello";
    public someMemberValue: number = 15;
    private somePrivateValue: boolean = false;

    constructor () {
        SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = SomeClass.getGoodbye();
        this.someMemberValue = this.getFortyTwo();
        this.somePrivateValue = this.getTrue();

    public static getGoodbye(): string {
        return "goodbye!";

    public getFortyTwo(): number {
        return 42;

    private getTrue(): boolean {
        return true;


JavaScript source

When transpiled using TypeScript v2.2.2, the output is like so:

var SomeClass = (function () {
    function SomeClass() {
        this.someMemberValue = 15;
        this.somePrivateValue = false;
        SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = SomeClass.getGoodbye();
        this.someMemberValue = this.getFortyTwo();
        this.somePrivateValue = this.getTrue();
    SomeClass.getGoodbye = function () {
        return "goodbye!";
    SomeClass.prototype.getFortyTwo = function () {
        return 42;
    SomeClass.prototype.getTrue = function () {
        return true;
    return SomeClass;
SomeClass.SomeStaticValue = "hello";
