This page outlines each available dataset and release notes on the searchable and accessible data in the Kids First Data Resource Portal. Users requesting access to controlled data are required to have an eRA Commons account. While most dataset access within the Kids First DRC is granted through dbGaP, there are some datasets whose access is reviewed & granted through consortia Data Access Committees (DAC’s). Please reference the datasets below for their specific access management information. More directions on the dbGaP application process can be found here.

Once you have access, be sure to Connect Your Account to enable analysis on Cavatica.

We are continuously adding more data and working on quality improvements. As such, the data in the file repository may change as we work through known issues and improve our processing pipelines.

Available Datasets - Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program

Available Collaborator Datasets

NIH Trusted Partner Environment

A “trusted partner” is defined as a public or private, national or international organization that is able to meet core NIH standards for establishing data quality and data management service protocols for NIH, based on the programmatic need of an NIH funding Institute or Center (IC)

Bionimbus is a trusted partner that is cloud-agnostic, operated by the University of Chicago, and is powered by the Gen3 software stack

By partnering with Bionimbus, Kids First datasets can be distributed in line with the NIH’s current genomic data sharing policies:

Notice An Issue?

We are continuously looking for feedback on how to make the data on the Kids First DRP more searchable and usable to the community. If you notice an issue, have a question or want to provide a suggestion, please use the feedback widget within the portal or email us at