Hi Smashers!

To communicate with you Smashers, we are planning to share Dev team notes from time to time.

This is to share more stories and to tell you where SMASH LEGENDS is headed.

As a first topic of the Dev team notes, we would like to tell you about balance patches.

The very first Dev team notes cover how we balance legends and which criteria we check.

As a way to share our intentions and expected results of the patch with you Smashers,

we will periodically share information such as win rate for transparent game operation.

Criteria for Balancing

One of the features of SMASH LEGENDS is the competitive battles with unique legends in various arenas.

Depending on legend choices, maps, and game rules, legends will be put into various situations.

The criteria the Dev team look at for balance changes in various cases is as follows.

① Not all legends have to be of equal strength all the time.

Even for the same Legend, there are strong and weak situations depending on the conditions.

② In any mode, there must be at least more than two and above strongest legends .

③ In any map, there must be at least two and above strongest legends.

④ Any legend must be strong in at least one mode.

⑤ Depending on players' skill level, whether a legend is strong or weak changes.

In that case, between middle and high skill base, the standard we are looking at is based on whichever that shows more over power.

For example, Kaiser is powerful in a narrow map as he can blow foes far with a strong knockback.