%Id: 273

%SOId: 2595

Build tags allow for limited conditional compilation i.e. compiling different versions of code based on some criteria.

Tags are specified per file, at the top of the file, followed by an empty line and the code.

A typical use case for tags is to provide to implementation of the same functionality and pick the one that is compiled with tags.

For example, if you have 3 files in the directory:


// +build alt

package main

func foo() {
	fmt.Printf("This is alternative foo\\n")


// You can have other comments before build tags

// +build !alt

package main

func foo() {
	fmt.Printf("This is regular foo\\n")


package main

func main() {

Compiling without any build tags:

> go build -o main .
> ./main
This is non-alt foo

Compiling with alt build tag:

> go build -tags alt -o main_alt .
> ./main_alt
This is alternative foo

When we specified -tags alt, we compiled foo_alt.go file, because it contains // +build alt directive which tells the build tool to compile the file if build tag alt is provided with -tags option.

We didn't compile foo.go file because it contains // build !alt directive which tells the build to not compile the if build alt is provided.

Similarly, if we didn't specify any build tags for go build command, file foo.go was compiled (because it only says to not compile if alt tag is provided) and foo_alt.go was not compiled.