Hello!πŸ‘‹ We’ve created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, product images, and colours.

If you want to use of our logo in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us via creative@cybsafe.com and include a visual mock-up of the intended use.

Have a media, analyst, or speaking enquiry? Contact us.

**πŸ“Œ** Last updated: August 14, 2024

Brand guidelines πŸ“–

Our brand identity is a simple and powerful statement that guides everything we do. Our brand guidelines include how we look, think and talk to the world.

Brand identity guidelines

Creative guidance for CybSafe marketing videos

How to write like CybSafe

πŸ–Œ   Creative guidance for CybSafe illustration (TBA)

Logos πŸ’š


There are three versions of the CybSafe logo: full version of the logo with the name and the CS icon, inverted (white) version, and the CS icon on its own.

Please don’t modify the logos or use them in any way that might confuse people. This includes any suggestion of sponsorship or endorsement by CybSafe. Or use in a way that confuses CybSafe with another brand (including your own). If you’re unsure, please feel free to contact us via creative@cybsafe.com.

The coloured version of the logo should be used on a white background, wherever possible. However, an inverted (all white) version is available for use on coloured backgrounds. The logo can be separated to use just the icon, when space does not allow for the full logo to be displayed and legible - e.g. as a favicon, an app icon or on a mobile version of a website where space is limited.

Logos (1)

Logos (2)