
Hi there and welcome to Corva API! We're excited to have you as a user of our platform. As a Corva API user, you get access to our real-time and historical data via our API.

We have two API libraries available for you to use. The first one is the Corva Platform API, which is what Corva is built on. This API is what our internal developers use to bring data into Corva apps.

The second API library is the Corva Data API. This is our newer API library. For developers, the Corva SDK is built on the Data API. We recommend the Data API to Dev Center developers and API users. We also recommend the Data API for querying Corva one second datasets and engineering datasets.

What is the Corva Platform API and Corva Data API?

The Corva Platform API ({id}) is an API that is built on the Ruby on Rails framework. The Corva Platform performs requests to a Corva Sequel table and to Corva’s MongoDB datasets. With the exception of the Assets endpoints, the Corva Platform API endpoints are for Corva internal use. The Corva Platform API is recognized by the following URL:

The Corva Data API ({provider}/{dataset}/) is an API that is built on FastAPI framework with similar functionalities and query methods of MongoDB. The Corva Data API only performs requests to Corva’s MongoDB datasets which includes one second datasets and engineering datasets. The Corva Data API is recognized by the following URL:

Resource Quota
API Timeout A single API request has a 30 second limit before timing out.
Max Record Limit - GET The maximum number of records that can be returned in a single request is 10,000.
Minimum Record Limit - GET The minimum number of records that can be returned in a single request is 1.
Max Record Limit - POST The maximum number of records that can be written to a dataset in a single request is 1,000
Frequency 1 second requests are the highest frequency that can be executed
Real-time Corva utilizes a combination of a GET request and a WebSocket. The GET request fetches that last 1,000 records, then subscribes to a dataset to receive new data when it arrives in the dataset.

Why use the Corva Platform API or Corva Data API?

The Corva Platform API and/or Corva Data API is used because customers want to: