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Taina Pereenniemi & Co.
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Taina Pereenniemi & Co.

⭐️ MOST 5-STAR RATINGS ⭐️ FREE DISCOVERY CALL ⭐️ AVAILABLE TODAY ⭐️ US+EUROPE ⭐️ Done-for-You Builds, Templates, Automations, Trainings, Audits, Support, Integrations, Coaching, Workshops... ------- 👉 WHY CHOOSE TAINA PEREENNIEMI & CO? • We're the #1 5-Star Rated Notion Consulting Partner globally • We're not just one freelancer, but a multiskilled team of Notion certified experts - meaning we can flexibly accomodate your needs, timeline, and budget • We can accomodate work across timezones - which makes us perfect for global, remote teams • We've worked with businesses of 1 to 300+ people across a wide range of industries 💚 TESTIMONIALS & CASE STUDIES We have the most 5-star ratings of all Notion Certified Partners globally. If you want to read more of our client testimonials and case studies click on the link "Client Testimonials" under Resources on the left. ⚙️ HOW WE CAN HELP We offer a wide range of Notion services, such as • Custom workspace builds • Building and customizing templates • Workspace audits • Notion coaching • Notion training • Automations & integrations Examples of Notion solutions we can implement: • Project & task management • CRM (client management, sales leads) • Knowledge management • Document management • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) management • Team/HR management • Dynamic Dashboards • Personal Operating Systems 👉 HOW TO GET STARTED TODAY: 1. Book a free 30 min Discovery Call (from the resources links on the left). 2. In the call, we'll evaluate your needs and typically you'll receive the quote immediately. 3. Once you've approved the quote, we can typically get started immediately. For more information about working with us, check out: https://notion.tainapereenniemi.com
5.0 (29)
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House of Spaces
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House of Spaces

Unser Ziel ist es, dir einen Arbeitsbereich zu schaffen, der nicht nur funktional, sondern auch inspirierend ist. Mit unseren umfangreichen Lösungen und einem Expertenteam, das stets die neuesten Entwicklungen im Auge behält, sorgen wir dafür, dass deine digitalen Tools nahtlos zusammenarbeiten. Wir integrieren und automatisieren Notion mit allen Software-Lösungen, die ihr schon nutzt. So bauen wir ein Ökosystem, in dem alles ineinandergreift. • 🤝 Beratung – Wir betrachten deine Arbeitsabläufe und planen Notion Arbeitsbereiche, die mit deinem Unternehmen wächst und sich flexibel anpasst. • 🏛️ Architektur – Wenn unsere Notion Architekten mit ihrer Arbeit fertig sind, freust du dich über Arbeitsbereiche, mit denen sich das Team wohl fühlt und besser arbeitet, als zuvor. • 🎓 Schulung – Möchtest du dass, das ganze Team fit in Notion ist? Als zertifizierter Notion-Partner bilden wir alle aus – von Anfänger bis Notion-Experte. • 🧑‍🔧 Support – Unser Support-Team hilft dir bei allen Herausforderungen und Fragen, die aufkommen, wenn du mit Notion arbeitest. • ⌨️ Entwicklung – Bestehende Tools sollen mit Notion zusammenarbeiten? Wir integrieren jede Software und automatisieren Abläufe – damit du 100+ Arbeitsstunden zurückgewinnst. ☎️ Buche dein kostenloses Gespräch mit einem Notion Consultant über unsere Webseite.
5.0 (1)
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Sanja Veletanlic
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Sanja Veletanlic

Since 2019. Notion is the product love story ❤️ of my life. It has completely transformed how I work and think, all for the better. Plus, it’s incredibly fun! Using databases, relations, rollups, formulas, and automations to build custom dashboards sometimes feels like crafting magic. Now, I enjoy helping companies worldwide by building workspaces that enhance their collaboration and productivity. If you have complex processes that you’re unsure how to replicate in Notion, or if you're looking for someone to teach you and your co-workers how to best utilize Notion, I would love to speak to you. My hourly rate starts at 75 EUR (85 USD). I also accept crypto payments. For more information feel free to book a free 30 min discovery call (link is in resources on the left side of this page).
5.0 (9)
Certified Consultant
Certified Consultant
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Die Schweizer Notion Expert:innen für dein Unternehmen. Bewährte Arbeitsmethoden und Ablagestruktur im Notion für mehr Freude und Produktivität in der Zusammenarbeit. Lass uns gemeinsam bei einem Kennenlerngespräch ☕️ herausfinden, ob Notion das richtige Tool für dich ist und wie wir dir helfen können. Wir unterstützen dich mit ✔️ Notion Beratung ✔️ Notion Trainings ✔️ Integrationen & Automatisierungen ✔️ Workspace Audits 🗓️📞 Buche jetzt auf der Webseite deinen Termin. www.notioneers.ch Beli freut sich auf dich.
5.0 (24)
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Kim Pinelli
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Kim Pinelli

Welcome to a world where chaos transforms into structured success. Discover the magic of seamless workflows and enhanced productivity with expert Notion consulting. Kim Pinelli - Process Consultant & Notion Certified Consultant 🌟 As a seasoned Notion Certified Consultant with over three years of experience, I specialize in turning disorganized workflows into seamless, efficient systems. Based in Germany and fluent in both English and German, I offer inclusive consulting services that cater to a diverse range of clients across the globe. At the heart of my service lies a belief in the transformative power of tailored systems and workflows. Notion is more than just a tool—it's a magical workspace that adapts uniquely to both teams and individual users. My approach goes beyond standard Notion setups; I focus on developing comprehensive, process-driven solutions that are not only aligned with your team’s operations but also enhance individual productivity. Why Choose Me? • Bilingual Expertise 🌍: Offering services in both English and German, I ensure clear communication and understanding, bridging language barriers effortlessly. • Customized Notion Setups 💼: From the Notion Business Hub to bespoke setups for solopreneurs and teams, I craft tailored Notion environments that reflect the unique needs of your business. • Process-Driven Consulting ⚙️: Emphasizing the importance of individuality in workflows and SOPs, I create systems that resonate with your business’s internal logic and boost operational efficiency. • Experienced and Approachable ✨: Bringing over three years of Notion expertise, I infuse every project with enthusiasm and a commitment to making your organizational dreams come true. • Adaptive Solutions 🔮: Recognizing that one size does not fit all, I ensure that every Notion setup is adaptable, scalable, and perfect for both team dynamics and individual preferences. Embark on a journey to enhance your productivity and streamline your operations. Let’s turn your processes from chaotic to structured, making your workday more efficient and your team more cohesive. Ready to experience the magic of productivity? Let’s connect and create a workspace that works wonders for you. 🚀
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Asynch Works GmbH
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Asynch Works GmbH

Helping established entrepreneurs & businesses gain time to scale. Where expertise meets experience - by the 1st DACH Notion Certified Consultant. Grow into a • super efficient Business-of-One • a powerful small-sized team • or expand your team without the growing pain Leverage your knowledge, live the async culture. Our pricing • Custom projects start at >10K • for budgets between 3K-10K we offer packages Our starter kits & systems • for project management • proactive contact management Our trainings Notion training for your staff for German users: we're the first to build a training course specifically made for German speaking users. Are you German speaking? You may go directly to Nataschas German site: https://nataschabuck.com
5.0 (1)
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Certified Consultant
Dagmar Mehling
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Dagmar Mehling

As a Notion Certified Consultant and content creator, Notion is at the heart of what I do every day. I specialize in all-in-one Notion systems for freelancers and small business owners, helping them to establish, simplify and automate daily workflows. As a result, they can focus on the things that really matter to them and their businesses. My vision is to empower people through intelligent life and work systems. Currently, I don't offer 1:1 Notion consultations. Take a look at my German-speaking course and template offers here: https://dagmar-mehling.de/