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Solutions Partner

Hidworks, llc.

Kyoto, Japan
Accepting new clients
  • Training
  • Custom Templates
Project Budget
  • $250 - $1,000
  • $1,000 - $5,000
  • Japanese
Location / Region
  • Asia

About Hidworks, llc.


  1. 事業者向けのカスタムNotionテンプレートの製作&販売
  2. Discordによるトレーニングスペースの運営
  3. よりNotionを活用するための情報発信


Our company, as a certified business innovation support organization, provides support to businesses utilizing Notion. Our specific services include:

  1. Creation and sale of custom Notion templates for businesses
  2. Management of a training space on Discord
  3. Dissemination of information to help businesses make better use of Notion
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