<aside> 📌 Last updated: August 23, 2022 For questions: eshin@codeforuv.org


1. High Level Overview

At a high-level the app does several key things:

  1. Determines a user’s location
  2. Tests their ping, download, and upload speed
  3. Writes this data to a database (and reads it if they are a return user)
  4. Provides users with an optional survey and stores their responses alongside their speed test data
  5. Visualizes speed tests (database records) on a state map using geolocation data

2. Technical Details

2.1 Libraries (tech stack)

Our app is built using Sveltekit and hosted on Heroku. We use a cloud database service called MongoDB Atlas and MongooseJS as our ORM. For styling we using TailwindCSS and DaisyUI. All speed testing logic is handled by our custom wrapper around the nodejs implementation of the open-source Libre SpeedTest module. The results map utilizes Leaflet to render the map and its data points

2.2 Project Layout and App Structure

	lib/                        <- Speedtest module, svelte stores, db schema, data classes/models, helper funcs 
		components/               <- UI Components (e.g. Map, SpeedTest) and JS logic
	routes/                     <- Pages and end-points
		api/                      <- internal and public db operations
		test/                     <- end-points required by speedtest module
	hooks.js                    <- server "middle-ware"
  +page.js/svelte             <- home page of the app

2.3 Speed test step-by-step

The SpeedTest.svelte component, makes heavy use of the RuralTest custom JS class, which itself wraps the open-source libre speedtest.js module. For more info on the that module see this wiki.

  1. User navigates to a page that renders SpeedTest.svelte component (homepage by default)
  2. This component initializes a new RuralTest instance that sets up the testing interface
  3. After mounting to the DOM, this instance runs .checkLocalForPrevTest() to see if there’s a previous test result stored in browser localStorage. If so, it draws it to the page.