From Nov, to Dec, and Jan, about three months

7891011 quick report

AAStar 2025 Q1 Plan

Q1 Financial 2025

Q4 plan check below:


What We have?

No. Name Ability Progress Type
1 AirAccount Permissionless Account V0.1, 70% Infra
2 ETHPaymaster
SuperPaymater Gasless Transaction V0.1, 65% Infra
3 CommetENS Meaningful address V0.05, 45% Infra
4 Cos72 Community OS/ Nodes V0.1, 50% Framework
5 Shop Community Shop V0.1, 60% Module
6 Game Community Game V0.1, 45% Module
7 Perks Community Reputation V0.1, 35% Module
8 PNTs Community Points V0.1, 45% Module
9 Agents Community AI Agent V0.1, 2% Module
10 Cards Community Member Cards V0.1, 65% Module
11 Votes Community Votes V0.05, 1% Module
12 Creators Community Creators V0.05, 5% Module
13 Jurys Community Jurys V0.001, 1% Module
14 Insurances Community Insurances V0.001, 1% Module
15 Traders Community Traders V0.001, 1% Module
16 Spores Community Spores V0.001, 1% Module

What should we do in Q4?

  1. AirAccount push to Optimistic Mainnet with second signature verification.
  2. ETHPaymaster provide docker image deployment with ERC20 basic support.
  3. ENS API and ENS account based on semi-decentralized sub ENS name.??
  4. Dynamic NFT and ERC6551 and more with three level Perks. ??
  5. Gas card build-in member card, related gas token in SuperChain?
  6. Shop module support basic flow in real event.
  7. Basic points flow for CMUBA and AAStar, then more communities.