<aside> ⚡ Decisions with fewer, better meetings. Get quick input and decide faster with decision polls.



Decision Polls help you easily gather votes, insights and new choices for your decisions. This speeds up decision-making and gathers greater input from your team. Together, the group flags hidden issues with existing choices and surfaces better alternatives.

Decision Polls help you move forward faster with greater confidence and better buy-in.

Great Use Cases

Poll Types

  1. Pick Top Choice — for choosing a single path forward e.g. "What payment provider should we use?"
  2. Rank A List — for rank sorting multiple options e.g. "What are the design priorities for May?"
  3. Pick All That Apply — to allow for multi-choice selections e.g. "How should we improve the landing page?"


Summon the Decision Poll by entering the slash command */cp poll* or by selecting "Send Poll" from Cloverpop App Home.

You can send polls to any channels and DM them to individual people. Adding a person is useful when they're not in a channel, e.g. a decision in the #sales channel that would benefit from the 🧠 Engineering Manager who has relevant domain knowledge.

<aside> 💡 Pro Tip — You can pre populate the poll title by appending it to the slash command e.g. */cp poll What should we call the release?*


Polls let you gather insights and info in channels or from individual people

Polls let you gather insights and info in channels or from individual people