<aside> ⚡ Quickly get decisions signed off and on the record



Decisions are best made by the people closest to the change being made, where the rubber meets the road. Approvals are a great way to let the right people drive decisions while providing a quick and transparent review process for higher-ups before decisions are enacted.

Great Use Cases:


Summon the Approve form by entering the slash command */cp approve* or by selecting "Request Approval" from Cloverpop App Home.

<aside> 💡 Pro Tip - You can also request approval for an existing decision e.g. a product manager might create a poll about what the product team should work on for the month. Once the team weighs in and she has her decision, she can create an approval from that poll to send to VP of Product. Once it is approved, she can create an announcement from the same decision. Now, all that context is saved with that decision.

