<aside> ⚡ Share decisions across channels to keep everyone in the loop. Build buy-in and move forward together.



Decisions get made all over the place — in meetings, Slack threads, comment sections on docs, at lunch, etc. Cloverpop helps you quickly add decisions to Slack and share them with all the people who need to know. These decision announcements distill the important details of decisions and share them across multiple channels. This helps keep your team aligned, building trust and transparency.

Rate Support

Increase decision buy-in and engagement by asking people to rate their support from 0-10. You'll immediately know if people are bought in and can quickly take action as needed. It’s quick, inclusive and guaranteed to improve the quality of your decision communications.

Great Use Cases:

<aside> 💡 Pro Tip - If you want to quickly save a decision for later use the slash command */cp add*. Handy during meetings!



Summon the Announce form by entering the slash command */cp announce* or by selecting "Announce Decision" from Cloverpop App Home.

Announcing decisions makes it easy to keep the right people in the loop and get buy in on decisions

Announcing decisions makes it easy to keep the right people in the loop and get buy in on decisions