Welcome to ClosetBuddy's help center! We're here to answer your questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Send our support team a note at support@closetbuddy.io!

All Topics

Getting Started

How do I download the tool?

How do I use ClosetBuddy?

How do I signup and signin?

How do I logout?

Account & Billing

How much does ClosetBuddy cost?

How do I change my subscription?

Does ClosetBuddy store any sensitive financial info?


How do I share my closet?

How do I automate offers?

How do I automate follows?

How do I automate comments?

How do I share other people's items?

How do I automate posting items?

How do I randomize sharing of my closet?

What's new in each version?


I upgraded my plan, how long does it take to appear?

Why do I have to keep logging in?

How do I open the "Settings" page?

How do I get the latest version?

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