Imagine you’re working on a web application and need to return HTML that lists most recent tweets. You need to load list of tweets from a database and create HTML based on that information.

Building that HTML string by building smaller strings and concatenating them with + would be tedious.

Packages text/template and html/template in Go standard library make implement data-driven templates for generating textual output:

Each template has a name. template.New("tweets") creates an empty template with name tweets.

t.Parse(s string) parses the template.

t.Execute(w io.Writer, v interface{}) executes the template with a given value and writing the result to an io.Writer.

{{ ... }} is an action are instructions for templating engine.

{{.TweetCount}} means printing the value of TweetCount in current context.

Data passed to a template can be hierarchical (i.e. a struct withing a struct within a struct…).

Current context . refers to current scope within the data.

Initial . refers to top-level scope:

Values that don’t have pre-defined formatting are printed using Stringer interface. For custom formatting of your type in a template implement String() string method.

{{range .Tweets}}{{end}} evaluates inner part for every element of []string slice Tweets and sets current context . within the inner part to elements of Tweets slice.

{{index .RecentTweets 0}} is equivalent to RecentTweets[0] in Go code.

Text in a template is copied verbatim. Having to preserve whitespace can lead to ugly templates.

To help write more readable templates We can add - at the beginning or end of action as seen in {{end -}}.

This remove whitespace before or after the action.

{{range .RecentTweets}} changes variable scope and we don’t have access to data outside. If we need to access data from upper scope, we can define variables like {{ $tweetCount := len .RecentTweets }}.