Protocols may define associated type requirements using the associatedtype keyword:

associatedtype Element

Protocols with associated type requirements can only be used as generic constraints:

NOT allowed<T: Container>T<T: Container>T

A type which conforms to the protocol may satisfy an associatedtype requirement implicitly, by providing a given type where the protocol expects the associatedtype to appear:


(Note that to add clarity to this example, the generic placeholder type is named T – a more suitable name would be Element, which would shadow the protocol’s associatedtype Element. The compiler will still infer that the generic placeholder Element is used to satisfy the associatedtype Element requirement.)

An associatedtype may also be satisfied explicitly through the use of a typealias:

typealias Element = TElement

The same goes for extensions:

// Expose an 8-bit integer as a collection of boolean values (one for each bit).
extension UInt8: Container {

    // as noted above, this typealias can be inferred
    typealias Element = Bool

    var count: Int { return 8 }
    subscript(index: Int) -> Bool {
        get {
            precondition(0 <= index && index < 8)
            return self & 1 << UInt8(index) != 0
        set {
            precondition(0 <= index && index < 8)
            if newValue {
                self |= 1 << UInt8(index)
            } else {
                self &= ~(1 << UInt8(index))

If the conforming type already satisfies the requirement, no implementation is needed:

extension Array: Container {}  // Array satisfies all requirements, including Element