đź‘‹ Welcome
Getting Started
Help your players express themselves, get them to play longer, and improve you monetization.
Before you start:
local BloxbizConfig = {}
BloxbizConfig.AccountID = Account ID
BloxbizConfig.CatalogEnabled = true
-- Display a button for the catalog in the top bar
BloxbizConfig.CatalogShowToolbarButton = true
BloxbizConfig.CatalogShowToolbarButtonLocation = "left" -- "left" or "right"
BloxbizConfig.CatalogToolbarButtonLabel = "Avatar"
BloxbizConfig.CatalogPrimaryButton = false -- displays button in the bottom center
-- Controls if players wear their tried on items outside of the catalog
BloxbizConfig.CatalogPersistentWear = true
-- When true, limits the number of clothing items allowed using Roblox's defaults
BloxbizConfig.CatalogClothingLimits = true
-- When true, adjusts the toolbar so content doesn't overlap the voice chat beta icon
BloxbizConfig.IsGameVoiceChatEnabled = false
return BloxbizConfig
Account ID
with your Super Biz Account IDFirst test that the catalog is working when you run your game in Roblox Studio. If everything looks good, you are finished setting up your game and ready to publish!
To get even more value out of the catalog consider marketing the catalog as an update and reviewing your catalog analytics.
You can create a variety of interactions that open the catalog using custom triggers.
Drag-and-drop this clothing rack model into your workspace, run your game, and interact with the prompt to open the Catalog.
Popmall Clothing Rack.rbxm.zip
A clothing rack that opens the catalog.
You can open or close the catalog programmatically with custom triggers.
Use the following code to open the catalog in a LocalScript
local PlayerScripts = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
local BloxbizAPI = require(PlayerScripts:WaitForChild('BloxbizSDK').PublicAPI)
-- Call to open the catalog
Use the following code to close the catalog in a LocalScript
local PlayerScripts = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
local BloxbizAPI = require(PlayerScripts:WaitForChild('BloxbizSDK').PublicAPI)
-- Call to close the catalog
You may want to prevent specific items from being purchased from the catalog like free Limited UGC Items that you’re giving away or rewarding to players. You can prevent the purchase of these from the catalog by adding a block list to your BloxbizConfig:
local BloxbizConfig = {}
-- List asset IDs to block the purchase of items in the catalog
-- Use IDs from the URL on the Roblox marketplace
BloxbizConfig.CatalogPurchaseBlockList = {
return BloxbizConfig
If you are on v42 or later, limited items are automatically blocked. You can enable specific items with an allow list:
local BloxbizConfig = {}
-- List asset IDs to block the purchase of items in the catalog
-- Use IDs from the URL on the Roblox marketplace
BloxbizConfig.CatalogPurchaseAllowList = {
return BloxbizConfig
You can open the catalog to a specific category to create unique experiences like a themed store.
To open a specific category, you can call openCatalog(”term”)
. If that category exists, the catalog will open to that category. If the category doesn’t exist, the catalog will open and search the term.
Here’s an example that opens the Halloween category:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local function openHalloweenCategory()
local BloxbizSDK = player.PlayerScripts.BloxbizSDK
local API = require(BloxbizSDK.PublicAPI)
local button = -- reference your GUI button here
Popmall also supports user a group filtering via search. To open the catalog directly to items you or your group created, call API.openCatalog
with a user: or group: filter:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local function openHalloweenCategory()
local BloxbizSDK = player.PlayerScripts.BloxbizSDK
local API = require(BloxbizSDK.PublicAPI)
-- show items made by a group:
API.openCatalog("group:8668664") -- group:<group ID>
-- show items made by a user:
API.openCatalog("user:roblox") -- user:<username OR user ID>
local button = -- reference your GUI button here
You can use Popmall’s “Buy Outfit” feature to prompt users to purchase the items currently on their avatar. Users are shown the items they don’t own and can tap on each item to purchase.
This prompt can be opened directly from outside the catalog:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function purchaseOutfit()
local PublicAPI = require(Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("BloxbizSDK").PublicAPI)
-- this will open Popmall and immediately open the Buy Outfit modal
local button = -- reference your GUI button here
Sharing that you’ve added a catalog to your game can be an effective way to attract new players to your game and helps educate your existing players about the new feature.
You can market the catalog as an update to your game in a few ways:
If you’re looking for other ideas on how to market the catalog, you can join our Discord and chat with others in #superbiz-catalog.
You can monitor the performance of the catalog and your revenue in the Dev Portal.
Use the Sales Revenue chart in the dashboard to easily visualize your sales revenue trends. To drill into the performance of the catalog, look at Asset sales.
To access your Sales Revenue chart, log in to the Dev Portal, click on “Dashboard” in the left-hand navigation and scroll down to the “Sales Revenue” chart.
Use the Sales Revenue reports in the dashboard to dive deeper into your sales metrics and customize the report with what matters to you.
To access your Sales Revenue reports, log in to the Dev Portal, click on “Reports” in the menu and scroll down until you see “Sales Revenue”. When expanded, you will see all the available reports related to your game’s sales revenue.
Note: Data is generated every night at 1am EST.