The following terms (“Developer Terms”) govern your use of the APIs that are made available by Notion Labs, Inc. (“Notion”) for the purpose of (1) developing and maintaining applications that interoperate with or complement Notion’s Services, (2) integrating Notion’s Services with other third-party offerings; and (3) submission, publication, and distribution of Integrations via the Integration Gallery.

Certain Definitions

For purposes of these Developer Terms, capitalized terms shall have the meanings set forth below.  Capitalized terms utilized in these Developer Terms and not defined shall have the meaning set forth in the Service Agreement.

API” means any application programming interfaces and any accompanying documentation and materials made available by Notion.

“Confidential Information” means information that either party discloses to the other party that would normally be considered confidential information by a reasonable party under the circumstances.

End Users” means any users of your Integration, which may include individuals or organizations that are mutual customers of You and Notion.

“Integration” means any application that you develop that creates, reads, updates, exports, and removes or deletes certain content from the Services.

Integration Data” means any data or content collected, gathered, or used by your Integration, including any information about End Users.

Non-Notion Application” shall have the same meaning as in Notion’s Master Subscription Agreement.

“Services” shall have the same meaning as in Notion’s Master Subscription Agreement.

“You” and “Your” means the individual accessing and using the API, or the organization, company or other legal entity for which you are accepting these Developer Terms.

1. Applicable Terms

1.1 Applicable Terms.  By accessing and using the API, you are consenting to be bound by these Developer Terms, abide by Notion’s Content & Use Policy, and Notion’s Brand Guidelines. Distribution and publication of Your Integration on the Integration Gallery or otherwise within the Services is governed by these Developer Terms.  If you are acting on behalf of or at the request of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that organization, company or other legal entity to these Developer Terms.

2. Grant of Licenses and Ownership

2.1  License to You.  Subject to your compliance with these Developer Terms, Notion grants you a limited, nonexclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to access and use the API solely for the purposes of developing and implementing Integrations that communicate with and make use of the Service. You acknowledge that Notion and its licensors own all worldwide right, title and interest in and to the API including all intellectual property rights therein. Notion reserves all rights in and to the API not expressly granted to you in these Developer Terms. In addition, subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of these Developer Terms, Notion grants you a limited, nonexclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to copy and use any data and materials from the Service that are accessed via the API via your Integration in order to make the functionality of the Integration available to third parties and for no other purposes. These Developer Terms do not grant Developer any other rights to Integration Data.

2.2  Subject to the limited licenses expressly provided in these Developer Terms, nothing in these Developer Terms transfers or assigns to Notion any of your intellectual property rights in your Integrations or your trademarks or other technology, and nothing in these Developer Terms transfers or assigns to you any of Notion’s intellectual property rights in the Services, the API, the trademarks, or Notion’s other technology or the respective intellectual property rights in any Integration Data of Notion or its Customers or End Users.

3. API Restrictions

3.1  Except as expressly authorized under these Developer Terms (including for the purposes set forth in Section 2 above), you may not: (a) copy, modify, display, distribute, transfer or sublicense the API for use by a third party; (b) interfere with, bypass or disable any features or functionality that are embedded in or included with the API; (c) access or use the API for the purpose of monitoring the availability, performance, or functionality of the Service or for any other benchmarking or competitive purpose; (d) access or use the API in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose or in any manner inconsistent with these Developer Terms; (e) use any scraping, data harvesting, web crawlers, or other data extraction methods to extract data from the API; (f) use the API to develop an Integration that competes with or substantially replicates Notion’s Services; (g) mislead End Users or collect, store, transfer, sell, use, alter, or delete any Integration Data either without the prior written consent of the End User, or in violation of these Developer Terms or applicable law, including any applicable privacy laws; (h) use or assist a third party in using the API in such a way to circumvent applicable Subscription Plan restrictions that are enforced in the Service user interface; (i) process Integration Data to develop, improve, or train non-personalized artificial intelligence or machine learning applications or models; or (j) solicit or receive End User tokens, credentials, or Bot tokens from End User. You acknowledge and agree that certain aspects of the API constitute or contain trade secrets of Notion and its licensors. Accordingly, you will not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the API or permit or authorize a third party to do so, except to the extent expressly permitted by law.  Notion may set and enforce limitations on your use of the API, such as limiting the number of calls accepted by Integrations, at its own discretion.  You will not attempt to circumvent these limitations. You will comply with all U.S. Export Control Laws. You represent and warrant that you are not located in a country or region embargoed by the U.S. Government or identified on OFAC’s List of Specially Designated Nationals, or any other government prohibited parties list, and you will not permit the use of the API by any person or entity identified on those lists. You will not provide, export, re-export, or transfer any part of the API to any embargoed country or region, or to governments or governmental instrumentalities of any embargoed country or region, absent a license or other necessary governmental authorization.