A problem: Canvas only remembers pixels, not shapes or images

This is an image of a circular beach ball, and of course, you can’t drag the ball around the image.


It may surprise you that just like an image, if you draw a circle on a Canvas you cannot drag that circle around the canvas. That’s because the canvas won’t remember where it drew the circle.

// this arc (==circle) is not draggable!!
context.arc(20, 30, 15, 0, Math.PI*2);

What the Canvas DOESN’T know…

What the Canvas DOES know…

Canvas knows the color of every pixel on it’s drawing surface.

The canvas can tell you that at x,y==[20,30] there is a blue pixel, but it does not know if this blue pixel is part of a circle.

What this means…

This means everything drawn on the Canvas is permanent: immovable and unchangeable.

But Canvas can give the I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N of movement