
Checkboxes and radio buttons are written with the HTML tag <input>, and their behavior is defined in the HTML specification.

The simplest checkbox or radio button is an <input> element with a type attribute of checkbox or radio, respectively:

<input type="checkbox">
<input type="radio">

A single stand-alone checkbox element is used for a single binary option such as a yes-or-no question. Checkboxes are independent, meaning the user may select as many choices as they would like in a group of checkboxes. In other words, checking one checkbox does not uncheck the other checkboxes in checkbox group.

Radio buttons usually come in groups (if it’s not grouped with another radio button, you probably meant to use a checkbox instead) identified by using the same name attribute on all buttons within that group. The selection of radio buttons are mutually exclusive, meaning the user may only select one choice from a group of radio buttons. When a radio button is checked, any other radio button with the same name that was previously checked becomes unchecked.


<input type="radio" name="color" id="red" value="#F00">
<input type="radio" name="color" id="green" value="#0F0">
<input type="radio" name="color" id="blue" value="#00F">

When viewed, radio buttons appear as a circle (unchecked) or a filled circle (checked). Checkboxes appear as a square (unchecked) or a filled square (checked). Depending on the browser and operating system, the square sometimes has rounded corners.


checkboxes and radio buttons have a number of attributes to control their behavior:


Like any other input element, the value attribute specifies the string value to associate with the button in the event of form submission. However, checkboxes and radio buttons are special in that when the value is omitted, it defaults to on when submitted, rather than sending a blank value. The value attribute is not reflected in the button’s appearance.


The checked attribute specifies the initial state of a checkbox or radio button. This is a boolean attribute and may be omitted.

Each of these are valid, equivalent ways to define a checked radio button:

<input checked>
<input checked="">
<input checked="checked">
<input checked="ChEcKeD">

The absence of the checked attribute is the only valid syntax for an unchecked button:

<input type="radio">
<input type="checkbox">

When resetting a <form>, checkboxes and radio buttons revert to the state of their checked attribute.