
A tuple is an ordered, finite list of elements. Tuples are commonly used in programming as a means to work with one single entity collectively instead of individually working with each of the tuple’s elements, and to represent individual rows (ie. “records”) in a relational database.

In C# 7.0, methods can have multiple return values. Behind the scenes, the compiler will use the new ValueTuple struct.

public (int sum, int count) GetTallies() 
    return (1, 2);

Side note: for this to work in Visual Studio 2017, you need to get the System.ValueTuple package.

If a tuple-returning method result is assigned to a single variable you can access the members by their defined names on the method signature:

var result = GetTallies();
// > result.sum
// 1
// > result.count
// 2

Tuple Deconstruction

Tuple deconstruction separates a tuple into its parts.

For example, invoking GetTallies and assigning the return value to two separate variables deconstructs the tuple into those two variables:

(int tallyOne, int tallyTwo) = GetTallies();

var also works:

(var s, var c) = GetTallies();

You can also use shorter syntax, with var outside of ():

var (s, c) = GetTallies();

You can also deconstruct into existing variables:

int s, c;
(s, c) = GetTallies();

Swapping is now much simpler (no temp variable needed):

(b, a) = (a, b);

Interestingly, any object can be deconstructed by defining a Deconstruct method in the class: