Our school is not about content—it's about arranging real world practice and meetings with experts, and about giving you a team.

To find your crew, you'll go on three quests.

🌳 First Quest — Values Articulation

<aside> 🏆 To complete this quest: You will lead a discussion about values amongst a small group that matters to you—perhaps your family or colleagues. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because we mean something very specific and nerdy by values.


<aside> 🤔 Why is this important? Personal values are the raw materials for the design techniques we teach. Whereas other design methods focus on users' goals (Jobs to Be Done), feelings ("calm" design, "delightful" interactions, and most experience design), or life situation (Personas), our methods focus on values, and we measure success by whether we can create environments where users are more able to live by their values.



Completing this quest involves preparatory work...

🔬 Second Quest — Critique Existing Designs

<aside> 🏆 To complete this quest: You will critique at least two designs by other people. You'll listen to someone's design idea and name (1) values at risk, (2) hard steps of living by a value they haven't though of, and (3) perverse incentives caused by their design. You'll visit a functioning social system (such as a church, a school, a workplace, or a public service) and write out the suppressed values there, and what would need to change for participants to live by those values.


<aside> 🤔 Why is this important? On this quest, you will learn to critique other people's designs for problems with hard steps and perverse incentives. Hard steps. Before you can do values-based designs, you need to understand why it is sometimes hard for users to live by their values in one space or another. Why is it easier to be reflective in a monastery than a cocktail party? Why is it often easier to be honest with a close friend than an employer?


<aside> 📚 Read more at Chapter 9. Space Jamming.


🎨 Third Quest — Values-Based Social Design