<aside> 👋 This is Argent's public brand page to share with journalists and other marketing partners. If you have any questions, please email chad@argent.xyz.



Argent logos - to share - Google Drive

Primary logo

You will find SVG and PNG versions in Google Drive. Please use this version wherever possible. If placing the logo on a dark background, please use the inverted variation with white text.

If horizontal space is limited, making the logo too small, we can provide a stacked variant.


The hito character/symbol can be used in isolation where accompanied by "Argent" in text. This is generally for use in icons. Google Drive contains a white variant for use on solid-colour backgrounds.

And here is a hosted logo on a solid white background.

Argent X logos



We use Barlow by Jeremy Tribby.

We use it in regular, medium, semi-bold or bold. https://tribby.com/fonts/barlow/

Brand colours