What is this?

Hi! My name is Alex. I’ve struggled with long covid for over a year. Today, I’m significantly better and have even been able to reintroduce sports. I promised myself that whenever I make it out of this, I’d help others do so, too. As a starting point, I tried to summarize my journey and what helped me most.

Please don’t consider this official medical advice. It’s simply me sharing my stories and the assumptions that helped me along the way

Where I was

Things I tried (that didn’t help)

What helped

What to do when feeling strong symptoms

The most important takeaways

⬇️ And that’s it in a nutshell!

If you ever want to talk, I’m happy to jump on a call with you. Maybe the thing I wanted most was somebody in a similar situation to talk to, so I know how important this can be. You can reach me at alexander.heinle@gmail.com