


The CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout and goal of this ViewGroup is to coordinate the views that are inside it.

The main appeal of the CoordinatorLayout is its ability to coordinate the animations and transitions of the views within the XML file itself.

CoordinatorLayout is intended for two primary use cases:

:As a top-level application decor or chrome layout

:As a container for a specific interaction with one or more child views


The [CoordinatorLayout](<>) is a container that extends the FrameLayout.

By attaching a [CoordinatorLayout.Behavior](<>) to a direct child of CoordinatorLayout, you’ll be able to intercept touch events, window insets, measurement, layout, and nested scrolling.

By specifying [Behaviors](<>) for child views of a CoordinatorLayout you can provide many different interactions within a single parent and those views can also interact with one another. View classes can specify a default behavior when used as a child of a CoordinatorLayout using the DefaultBehavior annotation.