Streams provide the most direct access to the binary content, so any [InputStream](<>) / [OutputStream](<>) implementations always operate on ints and bytes.

// Read a single byte from the stream
int b =;
if (b >= 0) { // A negative value represents the end of the stream, normal values are in the range 0 - 255
    // Write the byte to another stream

// Read a chunk
byte[] data = new byte[1024];
int nBytesRead =;
if (nBytesRead >= 0) { // A negative value represents end of stream
    // Write the chunk to another stream
    outputStream.write(data, 0, nBytesRead);

There are some exceptions, probably most notably the [PrintStream](<>) which adds the “ability to print representations of various data values conveniently”. This allows to use [System.out](<>) both as a binary InputStream and as a textual output using methods such as System.out.println().

Also, some stream implementations work as an interface to higher-level contents such as Java objects (see Serialization) or native types, e.g. [DataOutputStream](<>) / [DataInputStream](<>).

With the [Writer](<>) and [Reader](<>) classes, Java also provides an API for explicit character streams. Although most applications will base these implementations on streams, the character stream API does not expose any methods for binary content.

// This example uses the platform's default charset, see below
// for a better implementation.

Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
writer.write("Hello world!");

Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
char singleCharacter =;

Whenever it is necessary to encode characters into binary data (e.g. when using the InputStreamWriter / OutputStreamWriter classes), you should specify a charset if you do not want to depend on the platform’s default charset. When in doubt, use a Unicode-compatible encoding, e.g. UTF-8 which is supported on all Java platforms. Therefore, you should probably stay away from classes like FileWriter and FileReader as those always use the default platform charset. A better way to access files using character streams is this:

Charset myCharset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream("test.txt"), myCharset );

Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream("test.txt"), myCharset );
char someUnicodeCharacter =;

One of the most commonly used Readers is BufferedReader which provides a method to read whole lines of text from another reader and is presumably the simplest way to read a character stream line by line:

// Read from baseReader, one line at a time
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( baseReader );
String line;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
  // Remember: System.out is a stream, not a writer!