Project Overview
- I was working with Audrey and we are working with a concept involving 5 light bulbs, where each button creates different effects such as all bulbs turn on, random color turns on, dimmer of the light bulbs to these bulbs.
Key Learning Points
- createButton Function :
- We learned how to use the createButton function to create interactive buttons.
- Function Naming :
- We avoided using common terms like “reset” and “random” for our functions since these names are already used by p5.js.
Issues and Solutions
- OneLight Function
- Problem
- the new color set by the oneLight function overlapped with the original circles, and it leadings to unexpected result which was the light of bulb doesn’t working.
- Solution
- We resolve this by using an alternative approach, such as “litCircle” to properly highlight one random circle without interfering with the other circles.

화면 기록 2024-09-19 오후