In this assignment, I made three significant changes to my original self-portrait project:
- Background Color Change
- The background color now changes randomly with each mouse click. This change is related to mouse clicks and interaction with the environment. Each click generates a new random color, creating a dynamic visual effect. I think each new background color symbolizes a shift in mood and reflecting the idea that interaction can alter the overall atmosphere.

화면 기록 2024-09-15 오후
Eye Movement Management
- The eyes follow the position of the mouse cursor. This feature is directly related to mouseX and mouseY. As the mouse moves, the eyes adjust their position accordingly. This creates a dynamic relationship between the mouse’s position and the eye’s position, simulating a “gaze” that shift based on the user’s movement.

화면 기록 2024-09-15 오후
Side Bang Thickness Variation
- The thickness of the side bangs change based on horizontal mouse position. The thickness varies between 1 to 10 stroke, related to mouseX. Moving the mouse from left to right adjusts the thickness of the side bangs. This change allows the side bangs’ thickness to respond dynamically to mouse movement and adding an interactive element to the portrait.

화면 기록 2024-09-15 오후