Find the original proposal funded by CyberRepublic:

Cyber Republic - Elastos

We'd like to provide a progress update on Vulcan Link's Chainlink integration with ELASTOS Ethereum Sidechain. Over the past week we've worked on testing the Chainlink node with ELASTOS, deploying the relevant contracts (LinkToken.sol, Oracle.sol, Aggregator.sol), setting up a periodic ELA/USD feed currently triggering every 10min and fetching data from coinmarketcap and coinapi. You can find the smart contracts at the following addresses:

Contracts (ELASTOS Sidechain Testnet)

In addition to deployment and testing, we've created a set of resources to accelerate the onboarding of new Chainlink operators on the ELASTOS Sidechain. We've provided a public ELASTOS Sidechain websocket endpoint at ws:// such that operators need not run their own nodes for testing purposes.

It is always preferable that operators run their own nodes however, so in that thinking we have created a Docker image for the ETH Sidechain hosted at and a Helm chart that can be found at With these resources, operators can run their own ELASTOS Sidechain on Kubernetes with as little as 2 commands:

$ helm repo add vulcanlink <>
$ helm install my-release vulcanlink/elastos-geth

We've summarized the process for Chainlink operator onboarding on our Chainlink ELASTOS guide which can be found at

Moving forward, our focus next week will be on adding additional API Adapters (coingecko, Huobi...), onboarding 2 partner Chainlink Oracle operators, and developing a minimalistic ELASTOS-branded frontend UI to display the aggregator data.

If you have any questions, join us on Discord at or checkout our Telegram (@vulcanlink) for more general announcements.