Debate - Timeline sketch (in-progress)
Share the current state of your thesis project:
- What is your main question? Can traditional debating skills teach us how to be better listeners and engage in more informed conversations? Is debate only about winning?
- What have you made so far & why? Based on some of the guidance Sara Razi presented to us, I’ve been working on a timeline that encompasses a landscape of debate history. Sara emphasized examining the local, global, and virtual aspects of our topics through a parallel and parallax perspective. In working on the timeline, I am hoping to find intersections of thought and patterns in the development of philosophy and society.
- What pertinent notes did you receive from the reviewers on your Thesis Proposal and how might you address them?
- “A very useful approach once the interaction is defined can be to do a flow chart of it, this will help to visualize which will be the user experience, and a storyboard can be helpful too. The main idea is to frame the interaction to establish how it will be experienced, even if the results are generative, you will need to have a defined path for the audience. On the other hand, while one of your strengths is video production, a detailed work on sound will be important because the main action people are going to do in this room will be listening, you will need to think on which is the best way for creating a sonic ambience for the piece.”
- I agree with the other reviewers: now that you have a clear idea it’s time to start defining what the user interaction(s) will be. I think it's time to both draft a user journey in Miro, and playtest. One will inform the other: as you explore the experience version of if/else. So start low-fi testing now. At the same time, start playing with projection mapping. Mapping is as much about the surface(s) you project onto as it is about the content. I agree with the suggestion that you should start mapping with found content, which will help you figure out how to format/edit/select your own footage.
- Would be nice to read more about the installation itself - from what is the user journey to how each of the components (sound, video & interactive) get incorporated into it. I would suggest mapping it out as soon as you can to gauge the scope of the project + timeline
Share the next steps for your project:
- What do you plan to make & why? I’m currently working on the User Journey and going through footage to see what segments I would like to use
- What is your project timeline? - see the Miro Board
- How and when might you engage in user testing? I anticipate starting user testing at the beginning of the Summer Semester
- What do you hope to accomplish by the end of the Spring session? I hope to have sketched out the video segments that I will be working with for the installation and begun working on a sound design concept. I also plan to have a clearer idea of what the installation will look like.
Share a “Commitment to Action”:
- "I am committed to learning how to use madmapper and
Ableton by the end of the Spring Semester. I am committed to going through my debate footage and making selections of the footage I plan to work with.
- Revision of commitment is now - “I am committed to learning how to use TouchDesigner” as per advice from Enrique.