VaRest is the plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that makes REST server communications easier to use.

Plugin is available under MIT open-source license.
VaRest by Vladimir Alyamkin in Code Plugins - UE4 Marketplace
Encoding and Decoding JSON
HowTo: Read top-level arrays
HowTo: Non-trusted connections (http)
Key Features
- Flexible Http/Https request management with support of different Verbs and Content Types
- No C++ coding required, everything can be managed via blueprints
- Blueprintable Json wrapper with almost full support of Json features: different types of values, arrays, both ways serializarion to FString, etc.
- Blueprintable FJsonValue wrapper - full Json features made for blueprints!
- Both bindable events and latent functions are provided to control the asynchronous requests