Your film deserves to be seen. Don’t have the budget to hire a top marketing firm? Use ChatGPT instead.
Here’s how:
Step 1: Set up your conversation with ChatGPT or other LLM to provide you the strongest answers. (Do not skip this step!)
💡Start with this prompt:
Act as a top marketing firm that specializes in promoting documentary films to help filmmakers [insert your goal: get into a film festival, make $$$, secure distribution, win an Oscar…] I’d like you to work as my coach. I will ask you specific questions about marketing and promoting my film. Before we get started, please ask me any questions that are important for you to know about me and my film so that you can provide me with the most impactful advice. I’d like you to be friendly but harsh when needed. No extra chitchat. Take your time and think before answering.
Remember, these prompts are a jumping-off point to get you thinking. Set the stage, be specific, and seek input. Adapt the prompts and modify them to fit your needs. Then use AI’s responses as a starting point before refining and expanding.