<aside> ℹ️ This is a public page, because we are super happy to share information about our beliefs and how we operate at koppla!


Our core

At koppla we believe that trust, freedom, autonomy and transparency paired with a smart team with low ego that takes responsibility, will lead to the best outcomes. This document puts those thoughts into writing and acts as a general guideline to help everybody understand how we operate.

Embrace Ownership

We embrace ownership, urging everyone to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes. We encourage autonomy and decision-making that aligns with our mission. This approach drives innovation and excellence, as team members not only focus on their tasks but also understand their impact on our goals. We value initiative, creativity, and commitment, believing that embracing ownership leads to both company success and personal growth.

Be Transparent

We believe in transparency to empower everybody to make the best possible decisions. We will share information as broadly as possible and allow everybody to pull the information they need. When you work for us or talk to us, try it out, don’t hesitate :) Closed doors exist, but only on very few topics and situation where we are legally required to do so.

Continuous Feedback

We have a straightforward Feedback culture. Whenever you see room for improvement, you should give constructive feedback directly to the person. Keeping your feedback to yourself stops people from having the chance to improve. Make sure you give direct and outright feedback, communicated in a factual, friendly and constructive way. We like to practice radical candor.

Deliver results

We are still a company that’s looking to build something truly great. To get there, showing up every day and doing our best work is part of that. We are actively looking for high performers delivering excellent work and outsized results, that help us to achieve our mission.

Decision Making & Goal Setting

Making decisions

For each decision, there is, we have a clear decision maker. This person has the authority to decide on a final decision. This doesn’t mean the person should just dictate their opinion to the team and push through their idea. In the process of making decisions, we welcome different views and perspectives. Everybody is expected to speak their mind and share their opinion on the subject matter, as controversial as it might be. We believe that this helps us make better decisions and should be encouraged. A decision does not have to be made consensual, but the decision maker should have taken all opinions into account. With conflicting viewpoints, we can still disagree and commit.

We set goals transparently

We collectively set goals internally once per quarter and check in on them regularly. It helps us to make sure everyone is aligned on what we do. We want to give everybody the transparency to see what matters most to the company. For us the aim of our goal setting is not chasing a random KPI, but rather about creating alignment within the company on what matters and how everybody can contribute to those things.

Communication and working together