Client Services
Marketing and Networking
Admin and Operations
This targets dashboard was designed to keep you accountable for you work life balance and insure ample time is being allocated to each aspect of your self-employed business. It's best to set targets at the start of every quarter.
Revenue — Income before expenses.
Expenses — Cost to operate the business, including rent, paid wages, conferences, software licenses etc.
Cashflow — Revenue minus Expenses gives you Profit. Cashflow is Profit minus taxes, this is your take-home money to do whatever you please with.
Client Services — Effort exerted towards servicing clients conducting money making tasks. ie Designing a client's website.
Marketing and Networking — Effort exerted towards meeting new people and promoting your business to develop new relationships and opportunities. ie compiling a deck for a lecture at a conference.
Admin and Operations — Effort exerted towards streamlining your business. ie Filling out this document, sending invoices, writing proposals, planning your week etc.