&module=5fdf144b1bd53050f926ba71" with payload "{\"input\" : \"{cardname}\" , \"match\" : \"xyz123\", \"replace\" : \"abc\"}", rename the card to "{httpresponse.output}", find a card with link "{triggercardlink}", remove the "scan_list" checklist from the card, and remove the green label from the card">
&module=5fdf144b1bd53050f926ba71" with payload "{\"input\" : \"{cardname}\" , \"match\" : \"xyz123\", \"replace\" : \"abc\"}", rename the card to "{httpresponse.output}", find a card with link "{triggercardlink}", remove the "scan_list" checklist from the card, and remove the green label from the card">
&module=5fdf144b1bd53050f926ba71" with payload "{\"input\" : \"{cardname}\" , \"match\" : \"xyz123\", \"replace\" : \"abc\"}", rename the card to "{httpresponse.output}", find a card with link "{triggercardlink}", remove the "scan_list" checklist from the card, and remove the green label from the card">