Refer to this video for a demo of a lot of the new features!
Things that work differently than they used to
- Compressed toolbar that lets you quickly access various settings or features such as Metrics or Event Optimization
- The toolbar is also the new location of selecting date / date mode

- New location to select different events & filter agents (Filter People). The existing filters section in the top right will still be there.

- Horizontal scrolling is now enabled - this will be especially handy when looking at larger date ranges
- Performance upgrade! We've improved our infrastructure to minimize lag - even when scheduling for a large number of agents
- We’ve also introduced lazy loading: this will greatly speed up initial load times for accounts with a lot of agents per page
New features
New toolbar features
- New timezone selector will allow you to quickly add/delete/update multiple timezones at once

- Custom range view! Now you are no longer limited to just the day or week view, select any range that matches your needs. You will only be able to edit events if your view is ≤ 7 days.

- Preset date ranges let you quickly jump to certain dates. We also added nifty shortcuts for some of these ranges

- Zoom out / Zoom in / Fullscreen. You can now zoom out or zoom in [Cmd/Ctrl + (-/+)] to see more or less of your time range. You can also toggle Fullscreen mode (F) to increase the size of the staffing timeline and make scheduling easier!
- These features are super helpful if you prefer scheduling in the Week view

New Filter/Search bar