I decided to explore the topic of Satellites for this week’s assignment to just see what I might uncover as I dive into the NYU library resources. This document is in process.

MIRO BOARD - (in process)


  1. **ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global**

    Of particular interest:

    Networking Empire: International Organizations, American Power, and the Struggle over Global Communications in the 20th Century”author: Sarah Nelson, advisor: Paul Kramer

    Key words: Information Freedom, International Communications Governance, the International Telecommunication Union

    Subject: Information Science, International Relations, Mass Communications

    1. International Environmental Law Principles: A New Solution for the Space Debris Problem? by Shaul Gordon. McGill University (2021) “

    “Satellites orbiting the Earth form the exoskeleton of the world’s critical infrastructure: global communications, air transport, maritime trade, financial services and weather monitoring all depend on an expansive network of satellites in space.”

    1. Jonathan C. McDowell, "The Low Earth Orbit Satellite Population and Impacts of the SpaceX Starlink Constellation," Astrophysical Journal Letters 892, no. 2 (2020): 1-18, https:// iopscience.iop.org/.
    2. Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink Internet Service: How it will provide global internet coverage - Desk, Tech.**Indian Express; Mumbai** [Mumbai]. 27 May 2019
    3. The Rocket’s Red Glare: Global Power and the Rise of American State Technology, 1940-1960 by Alan Michael Falcone. Northwestern University, 2019 (interesting historical reference to the development of a technological vision of global hegemony as being a non-linear outgrowth of a chaotic post-war moment.

    IEEE Xplore Search

    (Initial Search link)

    1. Identifying, understanding, and analyzing critical infrastructure interdependencies

    CAS - complex adaptive systems and emergent behaviors

    1. 1977 Technical Report - “Continuous Whole-Earth Coverage by Circular -Orbit Satellite Patterns” by J.G. Walker

    2. “Space Explorers: Life in Orbit”: filming VR in microgravity” July 28 2019

      Felix and Paul’s “Space Explorers”


      Some History - Galileo: Satellite System Design and Technology Developments (December 2000) - European Space Agency (written before the proliferation of GPS on phones but still cognizant of the future personal and potential to transform navigation.)


      Initial search link

      A&E Film - Modern Marvels: Satellites (1997)