I decided to explore the topic of Satellites for this week’s assignment to just see what I might uncover as I dive into the NYU library resources. This document is in process.
**ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global**
Of particular interest:
“Networking Empire: International Organizations, American Power, and the Struggle over Global Communications in the 20th Century”author: Sarah Nelson, advisor: Paul Kramer
Key words: Information Freedom, International Communications Governance, the International Telecommunication Union
Subject: Information Science, International Relations, Mass Communications
“Satellites orbiting the Earth form the exoskeleton of the world’s critical infrastructure: global communications, air transport, maritime trade, financial services and weather monitoring all depend on an expansive network of satellites in space.”
CAS - complex adaptive systems and emergent behaviors
1977 Technical Report - “Continuous Whole-Earth Coverage by Circular -Orbit Satellite Patterns” by J.G. Walker
“Space Explorers: Life in Orbit”: filming VR in microgravity” July 28 2019
Felix and Paul’s “Space Explorers”
Some History - Galileo: Satellite System Design and Technology Developments (December 2000) - European Space Agency (written before the proliferation of GPS on phones but still cognizant of the future personal and potential to transform navigation.)
A&E Film - Modern Marvels: Satellites (1997)