TO accelerate the process FOR all types of property investors/managers to get setup onto a property management platform and CONVERT to active customers with active payments.
- Problem - The process to get a new customer onto the property management platform was cumbersome and required too many steps which created friction and drop-off and slowed the customer conversion process.
- Whom to speak with - Over time we rallied around feedback from internal customer support, larger customers with many units/properties, and from new potential customers. We did iterative usability testing for allowing customers to add one property at a time.
- Landlords with 2-15 units
- Tenants who’ve applied for apartment in past 6 months
- Internal customer success/support teams
- Data gathering:
- We recruited and scheduled unmoderated concept testing interviews and did a side-by-side comparison of two different prototypes.
- We conducted iterative testing with Landlords and a functioning prototype two refined prototypes. We made adjustments throughout the research process.
- We looked at time on task and overall customer ratings at the end of each prototype.
When I started working for Azibo I performed an audit (above on paper) of the process to add a 3 unit property. The process was very labor intensive and wrought with friction, errors, and required steps to get setup.
Above is a cleaned up version showing all the steps for adding just a 2 unit property. The challenge was that if I were a high-value customer with many units, I would have to add them each time and one-by-one.
Above is a more flexible interaction model which would allow a user to add an entire property, and also they could start the process and return at a later time. This is demonstrated in the video walkthrough above.
- Its collaboration — the team has to be present to participate in the testing and the refinements and observations.
- It’s efficient — By using the right tools you can fix defects, issues or make enhancements quickly AND even during the test.