Resources curated by Indie CPG via LinkedIn, Twitter, email, and 1:1 discussions with ecosystem stakeholders. We publish a weekly newsletter for founders and executives all about what's new and next in CPG, with an indie, global, diverse, and better-for-you lens. Learn more:

Email with any ideas or offers for us to consider adding to this list.


Playfull, a community for gamers, is offering to purchase your products and pay for freight to have them shipped out to their community of gamers. Products that are a fit include snacks, jerky, and energy beverages. Learn more here and reach out to our friend

SnackNation is working with brands to help them still use the product they had slotted for Expo West to reach offices around the country. If you need anything, any sort of help in finding a creative way to offset the expensive process of moving product back across the country, or help to launch the rebrand or new SKU you were planning to debut at Expo, contact Jordan Cohen and he will get you routed to the right person at SnackNation. (Source)

Pod Foods is a next-gen distribution platform for emerging and established brands and they are happy to warehouse Expo West product while working with brands to service existing accounts and open new ones in LA! Contact (Source: 1:1 email with Indie CPG)

Spitfire Event Marketing - "If you have sample product that you don't know what to do with... we have a plan to help! We have 100s of staff in the area that are ready to guerilla market all of Southern California and make the best of your company's weekend." (Source)


Food Biz Wiz - Our friend Alli Ball is hosting an #EXPOVIRTUALPITCH on Instagram. Learn more.

Kroger - "If you have a great grocery brand that you think Kroger should carry online, please comment here [on LinkedIn] with a link and I’ll check it out!" (Source)