**The "Clock Rule" of Eating | Nutrition Mental Models | Food Sources | Additional Resources**
One way of being aware of what we eat and in which quantity is through tracking the food we ingest (e.g. via apps such as MyFitnessPal). However, this is an analytical and often time-consuming practice. Another way of eating mindfully is to divide the plate as shown above during meals such as lunch and dinner, with a limited amount of food on the plate, that is high quality and filling.
Eat in moderation (although this depends on your goal). Be aware of what you eat. Do not stress yourself too much about it. Balance. Although this seems common sense, it is often not a respected rule. Our body does not need extra-excessive amount of food for survival. We live in an age of abundance. Keeping balance is essential in order to feel better, perform better, look better.
The amount of calories you consume, however, varies depending on your goal. You may need to eat a lot of food in order to build muscle, say, if you are very skinny. Your objective determines whether it is a good idea to increase weight to increase muscle mass, lose fat by eating in a calorie deficit, or maintaining at calorie maintenance.
When it comes to losing body fat, moderation is key, as is predilecting high protein food, and being mindful of what we eat. Being aware of what we eat may feel daunting at the beginning, but it will likely become a habit after some time.
establish a tendency to eat high protein food. This is the most filling, and it provides the "fuel" for your body to recover properly and build muscle (if paired with resistance training).
Predilect complete meals over random and frequent snacks. Complete meals look like the image above, with the main portion being devoted to high-protein food.
Consistency is key. Achieving objectives, whether it be losing fat or building muscle, takes time, commitment, discipline, balance. Both in exercising and nutrition. The two are equally fundamental in the fitness journey.
Calories and macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats) are what matters in the first place. Include low calorie dense food as much as possible (e.g. vegetables, meat, high-fibre food). This will enable you to feel full while not exceeding your calorie intake.
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Protein Sources
(Mostly) Simple Carbohydrates