Being able to build an connect your own concepts is what actually makes you get knowledge from all the things you learn, is the core concept of Woxko, help the user to create this links and rethink on abstract level what above and bellow each concept
Is a collection a graph of linked concepts
A concept can have one or multiple parent category or not (if is a root concept)
model Concept{
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
name String? @unique
parent Concept
document Document
icon String
💊 Well Being > 🧠 Mental > 🥰 Love > 👩❤️👨 Sentimental Relationships > 🥂 Dating | 💍 Marriage
💊 Well Being > 🧠 Mental > 🤳 Self-Control > 🌞 Meditation
💊 Well Being > 🧠 Mental > 🤳 Self-Control > 😓 Procrastination
💊 Well Being > 🏃♂️ Physical > 😴 Sleeping
💊 Well Being > 🏃♂️ Physical > 🍽️ Eating & Cooking
A concept might have 2 parents:
📊 Data Analyitcs > 👓 Perception
📸 Photography > 👓 Perception