
Need a lightweight and minimalistic landing page for your mobile app or just want to test a new mobile app idea? The Minimalistic App Landing Template is the perfect template to bring your ideas to life and measure your traffic and user behavior.

→ Q&A in the Bubble forum:


Setup Instructions (all done in the Bubble editor)

  1. Edit the app icon, title and tag line

  2. Remove the Darkmode and Metrics button from the Index page - these are for demo purposes only. You don't want your page visitors to see them.

  3. Replace the all 4 app screen shots with your own

  4. Edit description text on the Index page

  5. Go the privacy page and add your app's privacy policy text

  6. ‼️ Adjust the email address for the contact from, so you get email when a visitor leaves a message in the contact form

  7. Adjust your SEO settings and meta data:

    1. Select the index and adjust the page title and image

    2. Go to Settings → SEO / Metatags and edit your information