<aside> 💡 An example landing page wireframe to help 0-1 founders and early stage product managers experiment with their go-to-market messaging early and often.
Use in conjunction with this company spec template to help you do quick customer development interviews with your target customers.
You can also follow up by using this template to capture willingness to pay.
- Merci Grace
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Here's a quick guide to each of the components on the landing page, and what you should include in each.
This section should contain your company logo and name. Include features, integrations, pricing and a prominent sign up / login button in your header.
Having a short and succinct headline is key. Your supporting headline can be longer and include more details about your offering. The call to action can be a form or just a single button, designed to stand out.
Add images and context around what you're offering. This provides some insight towards what your product actually is.
Adding familiar content like popular logos and customer testimonials builds trust. This lets users know that others are using your product.